How long do you think before people just start wearing underwear on the outside? They’re already wearing it on completely separate parts of their bodies than their outer pants.
Toasterhead, very true. I’ve been wearing a pair of panties on my head for years, and now it looks like I’m a trendsetter instead of just a pervert.
12 years ago
Are you tired of not being able to show off the entirety of your crotch muscles with getting arrested for indecent exposure?
Do you feel like your hip-huggers just aren’t getting you the attention you so desperately crave?
Do you want to dress like a whore, but keep your shins warm?
Well you’re in luck!
Because sometimes, hip-hugger just aren’t skanky enough.
Okay…has MCS become a girly fashion design site?
Iddqd – Why would it? There aren’t any girls on the internet.
And any that wear that hideous hybrid is instantly devoid of any sort of respect from me.
Dreth, the girl that wears those may be looking for a few things, but Respect likely isn’t one of them.
Nonetheless, they look pretty hot to me!
How long do you think before people just start wearing underwear on the outside? They’re already wearing it on completely separate parts of their bodies than their outer pants.
Toasterhead, very true. I’ve been wearing a pair of panties on my head for years, and now it looks like I’m a trendsetter instead of just a pervert.
Are you tired of not being able to show off the entirety of your crotch muscles with getting arrested for indecent exposure?
Do you feel like your hip-huggers just aren’t getting you the attention you so desperately crave?
Do you want to dress like a whore, but keep your shins warm?
Well you’re in luck!
Because sometimes, hip-hugger just aren’t skanky enough.
Coming soon to an attention whore near you!