Mac Vs Dell


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    take that.


    Meh, can’t stand macs, but yeah they have their Pros

    Alec Dalek

    That’s because the one on the right costs A LOT less and can do A LOT more. Much much more customizable and upgradeable. In short, PC’s have a soul. Macs are just a machine.


    All the cool games.

    Keep your goddamn World of Warcraft, we have Neverwinter Nights.


    In buying a mac, half of what you’re paying for is simplicity of use. Meaning half of that 1800 that just got absorbed out of your wallet is you paying for not having to deal with cables, and interactivity with your computer, and the rest of it went to out of date, old model processors that cost them 50 dollars to produce.


    Right click = ctrl+left click.
    My mouse has right click though. And a wheel.
    When I click the wheel, I see all open windows in a small version and can quickly choose which one I want to have in the foreground. They call it ‘Exposee’.


    I’ve got a right click on my mighty mouse. Scroll button too. I guess ohmybob’s parents’ don’t drive him to the mall much to look at computers. They really should.


    Well yeah, add a webcam, whatever that is on top of the tower, and the three or so USB things in the back there, and the Mac will have just as many wires. I hate biased “evidence.”

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Dell XPS 410 $999
    iMac 20″ $1199

    Mac has a larger screen,better processor, fully functional UNIX OS.
    Dell has more RAM and a slightly better HDD (which cost pennies to upgrade on the Mac).

    You know what? I don’t get my money from an allowance or a paper route, so I don’t have to be a cheapskate. And its worth a little extra for a nicer looking, easier to use computer.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Mayy: the iMac has a built in webcam

    Dell XPS 410 $999
    iMac 20″ $1199

    Mac has a larger screen,better processor, fully functional UNIX OS.
    Dell has more RAM and a slightly better HDD (which cost pennies to upgrade on the Mac).

    You know what? I don’t get my money from an allowance or a paper route, so I don’t have to be a cheapskate. And its worth a little extra for a nicer looking, easier to use computer.

    tiki god

    hmmm but can you take all the stuff on the MAC with you when you upgrade?

    tiki god

    Mayy: the webcam is already on the Mac, it’s embedded in the monitor’s frame


    Help! I have an aversion to cords? Wtf mactards.


    The computer that I am using at the moment is very nice. It has less cables then the mac (only 1) takes up less space on my desk and is every bit as upgradeable. That’s right folks I am on my laptop. OOOHHHH Mac has a desktop-laptop hybrid that can’t be upgraded or repaired without it being sent to the factory. And has the same annoying and hard to find proprietary parts that a laptop does. If I need more space, I will use my pocket pc, or my laptop. If I want to use a more practical (not to mention upgradeable) system, one that I can replace the motherboard in less then thirty minuets, I will use one of the 6 pcs that I built myself (3 of which are running right now).

    Mac users, you are a arrogant bunch. But that I do not mind. What I do mind is the fact that most of you are you are stupid too.

    Pc users, were you not told in school that it is rude to make fun of, or hassle the retards?

    reboot, macs don’t have ‘better processors’ they use Intel cpus. That means that they can be used in a pc as well as a mac. In fact, I did not see a quad core system on macs website. Which means that , pcs have better processors.


    The short and sweet of it is with a mac, you don’t have options, but with a PC, its interactive, and you can upgrade hardware, processors, ram, anything, with ease, and speed.

    With a mac, the want you to take it to an authorized mac center, and pay more money for simplicity.

    On a side note with macs, After all is said and done, more developers have access to the SDK for a windows environment, and have for years, meaning more quality products will come to the PC than to the Mac.


    Attn EvilDon and others who are still new to the internet: is called a website. There are several pages that can be navigated by clicking the buttons at the top. In three clicks I found this link:

    Take a look, and you’ll notice that it mentions a quad processor. In fact, one of the models comes with TWO Quad cores. Oh yea, to view that link, you can copy it and paste it into that huge input type field at the top of your browser. My guess is you might still be using Internet Explorer 4 from your lack of knowledge.


    Gotta love it when the administrator posts controversial pictures. So much anger in one comment space. lol

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    I was referring to the specific models of Dell and Apple that I provided links to. The intention was to illustrate that Macs are not significantly more expensive.
    I have built literally hundreds of PCs for nearly 20 years. I really do know what I’m talking about. Macs are quite repairable, though they don’t advertise them as such. I’ve personally replaced a cracked LCD panel on a friend’s MacBook. Took about 1/2 an hour.
    Upgrading RAM and HDD on a Mac is easier than on a PC. You don’t even have to take off the case. Anything else, who cares? Computers are cheap, get a new one every couple of years.
    As far as development goes, the most important software is the what I write myself, so I’m free to choose whatever platform that I like.
    I’m not trying to convert anyone. Frankly, I don’t care what you play solitaire on. However, I do somewhat resent when I provide factual information, back it up with links and still get called retarded by people who haven’t used an Apple product since grade school.

    Alec Dalek

    Mac has a larger screen,better processor, fully functional UNIX OS.

    If MacOS is so awesome, why is it Mac users can’t shut up about how it’s got unix too. Besides, like you can’t do that on a PC too.

    Alec Dalek
    The Matrix: Rebooted
    Brevity Truta

    Cord hating bigotry is the fascism of today.


    But what about the cords? Won’t anybody think of the cords?


    To me, now that Mac’s run Intel Chips, they are just another PC Compatible. Oh wait, people often want to say Macs are better because of the OS, well isn’t that something completely different? Comparing Mac’s hardware to PC’s hardware is different than Comparing MacOS to Windows or Linux or Free BSD or..etc. It’s just another computer designed and geared towards the computer impatient and illiterate that don’t care what is in the pretty white box, as long as they can Pimp out their MySpace and send Pictures of Cats with silly Captions on them, their all good.

    And for the Rest of us, Yay PC’s!

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