Wow, I almost ran out of pictures for the site! Want to know what’s to blame? The x-box 360. That’s what. And guitar hero 2, which I’m totally rocking out with. So, tonight I plan on going out, buying a case of pig piss beer, and getting to the task of setting up some pictures for MCS. If you want to bother me, please feel free to pull my attention from this mind numbingly fun task. I’ve updated the contact information on the FAQ, so now everyone in the world can contact me via IM :
AOL : myconfinedspace
ICQ : 5542507
I’m using just as an FYI. If you need to send me an e-mail with pictures of hot women, please do so
So give me a few minutes and I’ll be online awaiting your nude pictures instant messages
hey tiki if u get Xbox Live add me as a friend… my GT is Jetser
Yeah, I’ll add you. and everyone else that surfs MCS. lol my gamer tag is “tgiokdi” for anyone that want to add meeee tooo
I see you broke down and got MSN.
I’ll be rocking out on some strawberry pancakes that I just made because my “natural” woman habits kicked in and all I want to do is spend time in the kitchen cooking. Seriously.
I also got an IRC channel set up now if anyones interested. #myconfinedspace on efnet.
Let’s see if this shows up, I’ve been having trouble posting…
You probably havent seen me but I check out this site daily…dont ever post tho. Anyways if you guys wanna add me to friend’s list my gt is keysersoze1984. Currently playing Shadowrun and Gears of War alot. Once Halo 3 comes out I’ll probably be playing that all the time so hit me up if you wanna game together. My gf plays guitar hero 2 alot but I currently can’t figure out how to guitar battle on xboxlive.
gay console is gaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy