OWNED! This very reason is why I want to get airbags on my mustang.
Casemods just gets sexier and sexier with each post.
I want to quote and screenshot and love and adore this post until the end of my days.
You just get someone to jump on the trunk. It works with fork lifts. :3
Take THAT, rich and famous!
Haha, yeah that ell teach em to drive normal cars!
Kaze, I think your better off pushing it down hill, since gravity will help.
Thanks, I think, Kazzeh…
OWNED! This very reason is why I want to get airbags on my mustang.
Casemods just gets sexier and sexier with each post.
I want to quote and screenshot and love and adore this post until the end of my days.
You just get someone to jump on the trunk. It works with fork lifts. :3
Take THAT, rich and famous!
Haha, yeah that ell teach em to drive normal cars!
Kaze, I think your better off pushing it down hill, since gravity will help.
Thanks, I think, Kazzeh…