It’s not that painful – or difficult – if you do it right. You need to hit it with the fleshy edge of your hand and make sure the bottle’s neck is the proper shape.
That, and make sure there’s enough beer left in it to hold it to the surface, lest it just go flying off the table or bar and hit some random drunkard.
Ha ha, I remember that from the PWOT Captions.
Hilarious stuff.
Hite is better than OB. Both are piss water compared to any German or Belgian beer.
Yep, i posted that craption, so i decided to add it in. That looks painful.
It’s not that painful – or difficult – if you do it right. You need to hit it with the fleshy edge of your hand and make sure the bottle’s neck is the proper shape.
That, and make sure there’s enough beer left in it to hold it to the surface, lest it just go flying off the table or bar and hit some random drunkard.
See? He has his almost clamped to the table.