Female Ninjas
The sluttiest mammals known to man
Female Ninjas
Added on April 1st, 2007 by shennaslaughter | Report Post
Tags:Humor, Motivational Posters, Sexy, WTF
Tags:Humor, Motivational Posters, Sexy, WTF
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what did you expect?
I don’t get the connection between them being ninjas and being “slutty mammals.” Shouldn’t it say something like “Female Ninjas: their sluttiness is silently deadly” (haha…like a fart) or other such ninja-esque reference?
i hope you are joking.
if not, you are wrong. the image wins.
I see I need to review my position on the Pirates vs Ninjas debate. With all-female Pirate-on-Ninja-on-Pirate action!!
Pirates could never produce anything this hot, they’d all be skanky and dirty since pirates don’t wash.
But ninjas usually cover up, busty pirate wenches are usually more scantily clad.
Well then, call me a potential beastialitist!
gah thought that said animals -_-
Poison vaginas? No one has seen that movie? God damnit folks don’t know shit about Ninjas.