This image also caused my American Presidency Teacher to blow a gasket. It’s an awful image! What crap.
18 years ago
Reagan was much better, but Bush will be remembered much higher than you libs give him credit for. I remember how much everyone hated Reagan back in the day, and now he is universally recognized as our greatest president.
This is ridiculous. As a Christian, let me say this is a joke.
18 years ago
Impeach this motherfucker already.
18 years ago
Bodero: Reagan was an asshat. Iran-Contra? Giving Saddam weapons? Treating the national budget the way an shopaholic treats a credit card?
As for the image, we can now hook up a turbine to the caskets of Washington and Lincoln. Plenty of free electricity as two great men turn in their graves.
18 years ago
When I get home tonight I am SO photoshopping that image to make Washington give The Shrub rabbit-ears.
Turd Furgeson
18 years ago
yeah, no lie, we need to impeach this dude just like the last guy we had in that office.
You misspelled “worst”.
Porque, Tikigod, Porque?!
This image also caused my American Presidency Teacher to blow a gasket. It’s an awful image! What crap.
Reagan was much better, but Bush will be remembered much higher than you libs give him credit for. I remember how much everyone hated Reagan back in the day, and now he is universally recognized as our greatest president.
This is ridiculous. As a Christian, let me say this is a joke.
Impeach this motherfucker already.
Bodero: Reagan was an asshat. Iran-Contra? Giving Saddam weapons? Treating the national budget the way an shopaholic treats a credit card?
As for the image, we can now hook up a turbine to the caskets of Washington and Lincoln. Plenty of free electricity as two great men turn in their graves.
When I get home tonight I am SO photoshopping that image to make Washington give The Shrub rabbit-ears.
yeah, no lie, we need to impeach this dude just like the last guy we had in that office.
Bordero, Universally? On the hillbilly heroin, are we?
BTW, Democratic President Harry S Truman defeated communism. Reagan was just there for the last days, taking credit for the hard work.
Question- is Bush a great President, or the greatest?
I miss CLinton…
Now THERE was a president.
Who fucking cares if he was getting sucked off by some pudgy intern?
He did it while getting the job fucking DONE.
HAHAHAHAHA Mispelled “worst” !!! CLASSIC
Did TG remove the post?