Turn your head and that alone is more hideous than anything in the world.
18 years ago
She has no boobs..
wtf are you talking about?
18 years ago
Yeh, but they’re off camera. My God, you can’t even say she’s got nice teeth since they’re covered in… stuff. This is a very unappealing picture. Not sexy. I repeat: Not Sexy.
this is under sexy?
I concur. Not very sexy. Is she balancing the wiener or did somebody throw it at her or what? God, I hope that’s mustard on the side of her mouth.
she has boobs.
boobs are sexy.
Turn your head and that alone is more hideous than anything in the world.
She has no boobs..
wtf are you talking about?
Yeh, but they’re off camera. My God, you can’t even say she’s got nice teeth since they’re covered in… stuff. This is a very unappealing picture. Not sexy. I repeat: Not Sexy.
What the HELL is she doing?!?!
Well, I thought it was sexy.
She reminds me of several of my ex-women. Same position and everything… followed by a Cincinati Hotplate.
SeaLab 2021 anyone?
Well, sexy in a mechanically-separated-meat mustardy kind of way. Maybe.
That’s it, I’m off hotdogs.
Is it just me or does her ear seen huge?
I can’t stop laughing at this pic.
her ear is hueg.
i want to shoot her.
That’s disturbing. She’s got sideburns.
she sed something mean bout my little brother i threw hot dog and mustard at her face her neck broke lol
A Rat-Woman mutant tries to catch a flying sausage from a Hot Dog trowing machine… see? Simple.