I remember days at my friends house. His little brother was so annoying. He was playing at the electrical outlet in the living room, and I told him that he could get electrocuted if he stuck something in there. He just stuck whatever it was he had in there anyway and looked at me like I didn’t know what I was talking about. I would have loved for his ass to get electrocuted right there just to say “I told you so”.
I remember days at my friends house. His little brother was so annoying. He was playing at the electrical outlet in the living room, and I told him that he could get electrocuted if he stuck something in there. He just stuck whatever it was he had in there anyway and looked at me like I didn’t know what I was talking about. I would have loved for his ass to get electrocuted right there just to say “I told you so”.
You needed to further instruct him that to score, he needed to at least play with the positive pole.
Wading pool for bonus points!