via Kharmageddon
Futurama- I Waited For You Fry Motivational Poster
Added on February 13th, 2007 by berenicedelvalle | Report Post
Tags:Motivational Posters, Television
Tags:Motivational Posters, Television
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Gawd dammit, that thing is sad, it was bad enough that it was on kharmageddon and depressed me all day long yesterday @...__@....
C’mon, I won’t even watch that episode its so depressing.
Futurama is probably my single favorite animated series, but holy crap is that a depressing episode.
Matt Groenning owes me a pair of days crying like De Niro in Analyze this! after I saw that episode.
that ending with the dog just waiting though the years was just too depressing
This episode was on the day after we put my dog to sleep, couldn’t even get through the first 10 minutes.
Man up you pansies! *cries a little inside*
That episode still haunts me, it gives you such an empty lonely feeling…
and tears to of course.
That episode was very depressing 🙁 I couldn’t stop thinking about it throughout the day I even cried a little. You guys have to watch “Hachi” true story about a dog that waited for years for his master (died at work and never came back) in a train station. Now I cried throughout the movie, talking about it even brings back tears.