Kitty Shark Bait
Added on February 11th, 2007 by berenicedelvalle | Report Post
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Humor, WTF
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Humor, WTF
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I find the shadows a little skewed from the guy to the cat… :/
I find the photo a little shopped from the guy to the cat
Very, very photoshopped. The sun is in front of the kitten and behind the guy. Unless he’s fishing on a planet with multiple suns, it’s a ‘shop.
What you talking bout dexx? Of course the Earth has multiple suns. And this is definetly not photoshopped at all. Kinda like that one with the shark attacking the helicopter. If anyone thinks that those pictures are photoshopped in the LEAST bit, then your right =]