God I love this show.
I love the show, I love Jamie, I know he looks like a walrus, but still. WTFSICKDOESTHEAUTHORSTUFFPHONESUPHISRECTUM? cause thats just disrespectful. Jamie rox.
Just in case, i mean the author of the picture 🙂
what the fuck are you talking about?
Never mind. I feel odd today.
Myth busters is just bullshit…
lets just blow stuff up
I love Jamie and I think this picture is hella funny.
Who doesn’t love mythbusters? Although usually I have issue with all of their episodes, it gives me something to complain about, lol.
(Walruses are my favorite animal.)
God I hate this show
I must be a minority since I actually love this show.
oh noooooo!!
they be steelin my identity!!!
I love the show, I love Jamie, I know he looks like a walrus, but still. WTFSICKDOESTHEAUTHORSTUFFPHONESUPHISRECTUM? cause thats just disrespectful. Jamie rox.
Just in case, i mean the author of the picture 🙂
what the fuck are you talking about?
Never mind. I feel odd today.
Myth busters is just bullshit…
Myth busters is just bullshit…
lets just blow stuff up
I love Jamie and I think this picture is hella funny.
Who doesn’t love mythbusters? Although usually I have issue with all of their episodes, it gives me something to complain about, lol.
(Walruses are my favorite animal.)
God I hate this show
I must be a minority since I actually love this show.
oh noooooo!!
they be steelin my identity!!!