No way. Picard is second to none: cool, smart, cuning, tough (besides, Brooks always overacted. You could believe Sisko got amputated each time he broke a nail…).
18 years ago
Brooks couldn’t act to save his life. Watch the reruns, any time he gets angry its more comedy than drama with his…. halting. …way … of.. SPEAKING!…
Ya see, Sisko’s and Picard’s genitals are both made of purified Uranium 238. Their groins being in such close proximity means they are nearing critical mass, hence the unhealthy glow.
No way. Picard is second to none: cool, smart, cuning, tough (besides, Brooks always overacted. You could believe Sisko got amputated each time he broke a nail…).
Brooks couldn’t act to save his life. Watch the reruns, any time he gets angry its more comedy than drama with his…. halting. …way … of.. SPEAKING!…
Why does Sisko have a torch down his pants?
Ya see, Sisko’s and Picard’s genitals are both made of purified Uranium 238. Their groins being in such close proximity means they are nearing critical mass, hence the unhealthy glow.
You guys are so far off, Sisko was the best ever.