He’s an interrogator- chaplain of the Dark Angels Chapter. You can tell a chaplain by the mace- like thing. Their veterens wear a robe over their armor. He’s a battlefield priest with the added duty of tracking down rebels of the chapter and returning them to the light before executing them.
18 years ago
The mace is actually called a crozius, and I believe he is actually a part of the Black Templars Chapter. Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe the sword on his robe is the symbol of the Black Templars…
He’s an interrogator- chaplain of the Dark Angels Chapter. You can tell a chaplain by the mace- like thing. Their veterens wear a robe over their armor. He’s a battlefield priest with the added duty of tracking down rebels of the chapter and returning them to the light before executing them.
The mace is actually called a crozius, and I believe he is actually a part of the Black Templars Chapter. Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe the sword on his robe is the symbol of the Black Templars…
No, it’s certainly a Dark Angel.
It is Interrogator-Chaplain Asmodai. See details on store.us.games-workshop.com/storefront/store.us?do=List_Models&code=302628&orignav=300866&ParentID=985&GameNav=10
He is THE Dark Angels Interrogator.
The thing that will tip you off that it is a Dark Angel for the most part is the winged sword necklace that he has.
it is asmodai…