For those if you not speaking German: The pgp-comment “Postkarten sind wie eMails – jeder kann sie lesen” translates to “Postcards are like email – everybody can read them”.
Illuminatus (#)
18 years ago
The boyfriend of a friend of mine studies telecommunications and told me about some experiments with messenger pigeons that went like this thing with the card. They got a higher fidelity than the usual e-mail protocols.
For those if you not speaking German: The pgp-comment “Postkarten sind wie eMails – jeder kann sie lesen” translates to “Postcards are like email – everybody can read them”.
The boyfriend of a friend of mine studies telecommunications and told me about some experiments with messenger pigeons that went like this thing with the card. They got a higher fidelity than the usual e-mail protocols.
Just in case any one wanted to send mail by bird.