Jesus WAS and IS a nigger. There is nothing to say he wasnt. Until someone proves otherwise, he is a nigger 🙂
18 years ago
“Date the ban will be lifted: Never”
So much for “turn the other cheek”
18 years ago
lol, now i thought GOD was alanis morisette?
Dr. Joe
18 years ago
18 years ago
No, Jesus wasn’t a nigger, Jesus was a little Jewish carpenter, with bowed legs and back from lifting timbers for the first 20 years of his adult life.
18 years ago
C’mon now. You expect him to be born in the middle east and yet somehow still be a fair-skinned man? Gimme a break. 😐
18 years ago
So much for “turn the other cheekâ€Â
cause that always works with forum trolls
Dr. Joe
18 years ago
18 years ago
Yeah man, I can so relate forum trolls to the Bible.
18 years ago
There are fair skinned people in the middle east. Only an ignorant prat would say something as stupid as J did. You probably couldn’t even find Iraq on a map.
If Jesus was black he’d have had a wicked afro instead of long hair.
18 years ago
There are black people with long hair. Only an ignorant prat would say something as stupid as magnus did. He probably couldn’t even find Harlem on a map.
If Jesus was black he’d have had a way bigger Jesus-diaper.
18 years ago
Man im so tired of this bullshit. Jesus wasnt black … people should accept that. At the same time he wasnt white. The man was of middle-eastern decent. He was most likely a man with dark brown hair, light olive skin. People of the palestinian region are not black. Black arabs are more common in saudia arabia … and the blacks living there arent really arabs… i can assure you jesus wasnt black or white. He was a semite in apperance – semites arent black and not white enough to be white. People in asia have recessive genes that give some of them blue or green eyes every couple generations – some somehow end up with blonde or red hair – this is pretty rare … so its pretty damn unlikely that he was white either …
18 years ago
If Jesus was a carpenter, where did he get all the wood in the middle of the desert? Hmmmm, maybe he was a mason……………..
18 years ago
Fools! Jesus was inuit.
18 years ago
Either way, Jesus Built My Hotrod.
18 years ago
But Satan built my motor.
18 years ago
“There are black people with long hair. Only an ignorant prat would say something as stupid as magnus did. He probably couldn’t even find Harlem on a map.”
Yeah…it’s called a weave you dunce. I don’t think Jesus had one. You’re a fucking retard.
Harlem isn’t a country, it’s an embarrassing part of a city in a country.
If Jesus was a nigger no one would have listened to him nor cared when he died.
Combat that…please…because history speaks for itself. lol
For BMAN… um the respective peoples of different geographic areas have changed drastically over the last 2007 years. There didn’t used to be white people in North America. There weren’t even that many in the UK. The Romans were white and at that time they were the predominant people of the area. The arabs were slave traders and merchants.
Jesus was a light skinned jewish guy who got killed.
Black people need to get comfortable with their insignificance in the history of the first world. If ya weren’t around nothing would be any different.
“Jesus WAS and IS a nigger. There is nothing to say he wasnt. Until someone proves otherwise, he is a nigger”
Don’t tell that to the Spaghetti monster people, or they’ll shed pages and pages more of eTears. Haha, just kidding, they’ll do that no matter what.
Black Arabs are mainly peninsular, yes, as a result of a great empire stretching from the peninsula to Ethiopia. When the ancestors of the Anglo-Saxons were still living like cavemen, Ethiopians and arabs were constructing massive cities, and reading and writing and shit few nordic-looking people could do at the time.
But, hey, Magnus, I have a degree in history, and I’m working through grad school. I’m not gonna say I’m a total expert, but if you think black people played no role in history, you’re a bigger retard than the people who say Jesus was black.
18 years ago
– “in the history of the first world.” –
Good luck with grad school. I only finished my MFA 4 years ago.
I’m not gonna say I’m a total expert but I does reads good and thgins.
Jesus was Chinese and sold knock off ipods on craigslist.
4 Step Perfect Proof of God of the Bible remains uncontested. Therefore, the reason you reject your creator is because you are a bad person who wants to go to hell. In other words, if one were to ask you what would cause you to believe, your answer would be nothing, so why would God need to provide you more evidence. It would unrighteous of Him to do so, for He has provided more than ample evidence of Himself and the need for redemption. Amen.
18 years ago
I certainly hope you’re joking, Paul White…
mAgNUS Buttfoorson
18 years ago
That’s hilarious
The whole necessary existent bullshit.
There must be a God because we can’t fathom any other course. He wins by default. The two sweetest words in the English language.
It’s so silly to think science figured it out with this “big bang” supernova of galaxies theory. It’s more more plausible that a guy who looks not unlike Santa Claus took a week off from work to create the universe and ever since hasn’t had so much as a coffee break to come check on things.
News flash for ALL religions: the one thing you have in common is you’re all wrong and you’re wasting your time trying to prove otherwise to anyone.
there is much proof to show that jesus did live and exist here on our earth. There are also a few NON BIBLICAL, NON FAITH arguments to support that Jesus actually rose from the dead as is claimed.
and the Bible is not 1 work, it is several DOZEN works compiled into 1 volume.
the Bible was written in 3 languages, by over 40 authors who lived over a span of 1800 years, on 3 continents.
if you find that the book of Genesis is bullshit, that has no impact on the book of Isaiah or Psalms.
Jesus WAS and IS a nigger. There is nothing to say he wasnt. Until someone proves otherwise, he is a nigger 🙂
“Date the ban will be lifted: Never”
So much for “turn the other cheek”
lol, now i thought GOD was alanis morisette?
No, Jesus wasn’t a nigger, Jesus was a little Jewish carpenter, with bowed legs and back from lifting timbers for the first 20 years of his adult life.
C’mon now. You expect him to be born in the middle east and yet somehow still be a fair-skinned man? Gimme a break. 😐
So much for “turn the other cheekâ€Â
cause that always works with forum trolls
Yeah man, I can so relate forum trolls to the Bible.
There are fair skinned people in the middle east. Only an ignorant prat would say something as stupid as J did. You probably couldn’t even find Iraq on a map.
If Jesus was black he’d have had a wicked afro instead of long hair.
There are black people with long hair. Only an ignorant prat would say something as stupid as magnus did. He probably couldn’t even find Harlem on a map.
If Jesus was black he’d have had a way bigger Jesus-diaper.
Man im so tired of this bullshit. Jesus wasnt black … people should accept that. At the same time he wasnt white. The man was of middle-eastern decent. He was most likely a man with dark brown hair, light olive skin. People of the palestinian region are not black. Black arabs are more common in saudia arabia … and the blacks living there arent really arabs… i can assure you jesus wasnt black or white. He was a semite in apperance – semites arent black and not white enough to be white. People in asia have recessive genes that give some of them blue or green eyes every couple generations – some somehow end up with blonde or red hair – this is pretty rare … so its pretty damn unlikely that he was white either …
If Jesus was a carpenter, where did he get all the wood in the middle of the desert? Hmmmm, maybe he was a mason……………..
Fools! Jesus was inuit.
Either way, Jesus Built My Hotrod.
But Satan built my motor.
“There are black people with long hair. Only an ignorant prat would say something as stupid as magnus did. He probably couldn’t even find Harlem on a map.”
Yeah…it’s called a weave you dunce. I don’t think Jesus had one. You’re a fucking retard.
Harlem isn’t a country, it’s an embarrassing part of a city in a country.
If Jesus was a nigger no one would have listened to him nor cared when he died.
Combat that…please…because history speaks for itself. lol
For BMAN… um the respective peoples of different geographic areas have changed drastically over the last 2007 years. There didn’t used to be white people in North America. There weren’t even that many in the UK. The Romans were white and at that time they were the predominant people of the area. The arabs were slave traders and merchants.
Jesus was a light skinned jewish guy who got killed.
Black people need to get comfortable with their insignificance in the history of the first world. If ya weren’t around nothing would be any different.
“Jesus WAS and IS a nigger. There is nothing to say he wasnt. Until someone proves otherwise, he is a nigger”
Don’t tell that to the Spaghetti monster people, or they’ll shed pages and pages more of eTears. Haha, just kidding, they’ll do that no matter what.
Black Arabs are mainly peninsular, yes, as a result of a great empire stretching from the peninsula to Ethiopia. When the ancestors of the Anglo-Saxons were still living like cavemen, Ethiopians and arabs were constructing massive cities, and reading and writing and shit few nordic-looking people could do at the time.
But, hey, Magnus, I have a degree in history, and I’m working through grad school. I’m not gonna say I’m a total expert, but if you think black people played no role in history, you’re a bigger retard than the people who say Jesus was black.
– “in the history of the first world.” –
Good luck with grad school. I only finished my MFA 4 years ago.
I’m not gonna say I’m a total expert but I does reads good and thgins.
Jesus was Chinese and sold knock off ipods on craigslist.
“Turn the other cheek” actually refers to being slapped, not ignoring/forgiving.
You’re all wrong. I’m russian.
He’s not the real Jesus. I’m asian.
Isn’t Russia *in* Asia? o_O;
“He’s not the real Jesus. I’m asian.”
I was right!
By the way my ipod broke in like 3 days.
jesus was not black or white, although he is quite the most gangster apparition, and he is the savior and stuff
4 Step Perfect Proof of God of the Bible remains uncontested. Therefore, the reason you reject your creator is because you are a bad person who wants to go to hell. In other words, if one were to ask you what would cause you to believe, your answer would be nothing, so why would God need to provide you more evidence. It would unrighteous of Him to do so, for He has provided more than ample evidence of Himself and the need for redemption. Amen.
I certainly hope you’re joking, Paul White…
That’s hilarious
The whole necessary existent bullshit.
There must be a God because we can’t fathom any other course. He wins by default. The two sweetest words in the English language.
It’s so silly to think science figured it out with this “big bang” supernova of galaxies theory. It’s more more plausible that a guy who looks not unlike Santa Claus took a week off from work to create the universe and ever since hasn’t had so much as a coffee break to come check on things.
News flash for ALL religions: the one thing you have in common is you’re all wrong and you’re wasting your time trying to prove otherwise to anyone.
Who cares if hes black. I wanna know if hes gay!
You have NOOOOO idea. Namelis1.
NSFW: The true answer to jesus’ sexuality.
Jesus wasn’t a nigger. But he was hung like one.
Pfft…. Jesus never existed anyways.
The Bible is the worlds biggest selling piece of fiction.
Oh, Adrominik, That story is great XD
@... Slient Valentine:
jesus never existed? what an ignorant remark.
there is much proof to show that jesus did live and exist here on our earth. There are also a few NON BIBLICAL, NON FAITH arguments to support that Jesus actually rose from the dead as is claimed.
and the Bible is not 1 work, it is several DOZEN works compiled into 1 volume.
the Bible was written in 3 languages, by over 40 authors who lived over a span of 1800 years, on 3 continents.
if you find that the book of Genesis is bullshit, that has no impact on the book of Isaiah or Psalms.