It’s a Maddox picture. You are too young to understand.
17 years ago
i really dont care, you are too gay to have any friends, you are to much of an asshole to give a shit about the way other people spell their words, and you are also too fucking stupid to just say what it means,
Haha contradicted.
“you are to much of an asshole to give a shit about the way other people spell their words,”
If I was “to” (correct word is too) much of an asshole to “give a shit about the way other people spell their words” I wouldn’t correct and point out your many flaws, would I?
And also considering it says “TURN IT OFF.” and it has an arrow pointing to the caps lock key, I would assume it means “Turn off your capslock”.
You fail again.
17 years ago
double fail!
o wait, he flipped out over nothing.
Triple Fail!
Haha, hes probably mad at me because I point out his failures (both at spelling and life) every time he posts.
He flips out instead of learning to spell and stop failing at life.
Good times… Good times…
17 years ago
i dont fail at life, my good homosexual enemy, i intensley rock at life, you, however suck at life (and oh yeah did you know that there is 2 spaces after a sentence not one, you silly, stupid son of a bitch) and you would know that im failing life, do you follow me around, do you know where i live, do you have connections with the government, i mean seriously, kero, what the hell gives you the inclination that i could give a flying fuck about the way i spell my words, and may god so help me if you put this little shit of a comment into microsoft word to make yourself seem like a superduper smart kid, who has a life, a girlfriend, and a corvette, but the truth is you have none of those things, you are just another 25 year old guy living in his mom’s basement, just waiting for someone like me to come around and start commenting on immages, and then you get on your anime porno fan sites and say how much you pwned some kid on myconfinedspace about a maddox picture, the thing about you is, you just do not know when to shut your cumslurping trap and keep it shut, that is why people like you get their asses kicked by people like me
Haha. Nice essay there kid. I can sum it up in one line.
*Insert every over used internet sterotype here*
Also your “correction” on my grammar is wrong. While you CAN use two spaces after a sentance, and it is prefered in formal essays, you don’t really need to in informal writing.
I find it funny that you took the time to type such a long comment about how you hate me. I’m thinking about printing it out and framing it.
17 years ago
that entire essay is a run on sentance.
not meaning to intrude or anything, or my spelling and grammer is any better
17 years ago
lol Colin, you’re just jelous of Kero’s awesomeness 🙂
Although he has a point on this, Maddox is still a royal arrogant asshole. ._.;
Maddox is awesome.
guys i dont get it
It’s a Maddox picture. You are too young to understand.
i really dont care, you are too gay to have any friends, you are to much of an asshole to give a shit about the way other people spell their words, and you are also too fucking stupid to just say what it means,
Haha contradicted.
“you are to much of an asshole to give a shit about the way other people spell their words,”
If I was “to” (correct word is too) much of an asshole to “give a shit about the way other people spell their words” I wouldn’t correct and point out your many flaws, would I?
And also considering it says “TURN IT OFF.” and it has an arrow pointing to the caps lock key, I would assume it means “Turn off your capslock”.
You fail again.
double fail!
o wait, he flipped out over nothing.
Triple Fail!
Haha, hes probably mad at me because I point out his failures (both at spelling and life) every time he posts.
He flips out instead of learning to spell and stop failing at life.
Good times… Good times…
i dont fail at life, my good homosexual enemy, i intensley rock at life, you, however suck at life (and oh yeah did you know that there is 2 spaces after a sentence not one, you silly, stupid son of a bitch) and you would know that im failing life, do you follow me around, do you know where i live, do you have connections with the government, i mean seriously, kero, what the hell gives you the inclination that i could give a flying fuck about the way i spell my words, and may god so help me if you put this little shit of a comment into microsoft word to make yourself seem like a superduper smart kid, who has a life, a girlfriend, and a corvette, but the truth is you have none of those things, you are just another 25 year old guy living in his mom’s basement, just waiting for someone like me to come around and start commenting on immages, and then you get on your anime porno fan sites and say how much you pwned some kid on myconfinedspace about a maddox picture, the thing about you is, you just do not know when to shut your cumslurping trap and keep it shut, that is why people like you get their asses kicked by people like me
much hatred-
Haha. Nice essay there kid. I can sum it up in one line.
*Insert every over used internet sterotype here*
Also your “correction” on my grammar is wrong. While you CAN use two spaces after a sentance, and it is prefered in formal essays, you don’t really need to in informal writing.
I find it funny that you took the time to type such a long comment about how you hate me. I’m thinking about printing it out and framing it.
that entire essay is a run on sentance.
not meaning to intrude or anything, or my spelling and grammer is any better
lol Colin, you’re just jelous of Kero’s awesomeness 🙂