when was the first one? Because even Wolfenstein falls under the “Later On”
doom, decent, etc all
but Doom had ridiculously complicated maps…which the teleporters made even more so. And Descent maps look like ant colonies…all weaving in and out on themselves.
I think the only game that follows the “then” is Wolfenstein 1D www.wonder-tonic.com/wolf1d/
Eh pretty sure step ones simplifying things a bit to highlight how shit step three is.
Level design is sadly under appreciated until you realize how frigging boring some games are for no immediately apparent reason.
when was the first one? Because even Wolfenstein falls under the “Later On”
doom, decent, etc all
but Doom had ridiculously complicated maps…which the teleporters made even more so. And Descent maps look like ant colonies…all weaving in and out on themselves.
I think the only game that follows the “then” is Wolfenstein 1D www.wonder-tonic.com/wolf1d/
Eh pretty sure step ones simplifying things a bit to highlight how shit step three is.
Level design is sadly under appreciated until you realize how frigging boring some games are for no immediately apparent reason.