hence “almost” , with a metal body and a small-block V-8 or a high output V-6 it would be a very cool buggy. H1 were fantastic, if you had 80k-100k to blow on one and that doesn’t even fit into the same class as the above mentioned vehicle. With that logic i’d say my Abrams tank beats your H1, again not in the same class. This is closer to the H3, but that still failed to out perform other vehicles in its class. Spec for spec, I went with a Toyota FJ cruiser (does not have accelerator sticking issues). For a price tag of around 30K with most/all options, it’s a great “buggy” style vehicle.
definitely, and those short films were pretty damn cool.
I geeked out for awhile on those, hoping they could put
together a “decent” live action flick.
This shot is in Sydney, and IIRC they didn’t get the “real” gun through customs. They used a smaller less detailed one here, and that isn’t it.
The gun is a shoop, the rest is legit.
As cool as a Warthog would be to own, I’d rather have the Mako from Mass Effect. Traffic is no problem when you can drive vertically up pretty much anything.
when I was a young warthooooooog
Damn Nate, that made me nostalgia…HAAARD!
He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal…
better that than an H2
before hummer began shutting down, they almost got it right… http://z.about.com/d/cars/1/0/7/A/1/HummerHX.jpg
With that plastic 5 cylinder piece of shit?
Hummer died after the H1 – hate to break it to ya
hence “almost” , with a metal body and a small-block V-8 or a high output V-6 it would be a very cool buggy. H1 were fantastic, if you had 80k-100k to blow on one and that doesn’t even fit into the same class as the above mentioned vehicle. With that logic i’d say my Abrams tank beats your H1, again not in the same class. This is closer to the H3, but that still failed to out perform other vehicles in its class. Spec for spec, I went with a Toyota FJ cruiser (does not have accelerator sticking issues). For a price tag of around 30K with most/all options, it’s a great “buggy” style vehicle.
I prefer to call it a Puma
So un less anyone has anymore MYTHICAL CREATURES to suggeat as a name we’ll stick with the wart hog…….HOW BOUT IT TheBleakranger?
How bout big foot?…Unicorn?….Sasquach?
It doesn’t matter where you are sitting the other two spots will be taken up by complete morons who get you killed.
hm i dunno it looks like a shoop. See those pixels there?
Weta Workshop built a warthog for some short films. This looks like it.
definitely, and those short films were pretty damn cool.
I geeked out for awhile on those, hoping they could put
together a “decent” live action flick.
I’m seeing pixels on the gun and mount, but the body looks to be legit.
This shot is in Sydney, and IIRC they didn’t get the “real” gun through customs. They used a smaller less detailed one here, and that isn’t it.
The gun is a shoop, the rest is legit.
It’s real, and I’d damn buy one.
The guys at bungie made this thing if I recall correctly. There was a video about it.
I’ll take two.
Only two? I’d like a dozen, please!
As cool as a Warthog would be to own, I’d rather have the Mako from Mass Effect. Traffic is no problem when you can drive vertically up pretty much anything.