army of the emperor of man

army of the emperor of man

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    needs moar power weapons


    Surely some of the sergeants in there have them in sheath, or at least some plasma.


    What’s the deal with the flying babies?

    tiki god

    Cherubs of death!


    In the Warhammer 40k universe, the Imperium does not use AI or androids, fearing those to be evil. Instead, they use servitors. Servitors are basically usefull machine parts grafted onto human tissue. They utilize the most basic functions of a lobotomized living brain to function.

    Most servitors are vat-grown for a specific function, like operating industrial machinery or piloting a craft. These cherubs likely function as heralds and scribes for these Imperial Fists Space Marines.


    So everyone gets a gun and a helmet except the guy with the warhammer and the guy with the sword (or is that a third arm of his, holding the sword at the ready incase he loses the hammer?)? And he has to stand front and center? What did this guy do to deserve the obligitory first one to die award?


    The guy front & center has probably battled the enemies of mankind for centuries. He no longer fears death. He will live until he dies in battle with honor, and what more could he ask than that? Besides, that thunder hammer is capable of opening up a battle tank.

    Warriors who wear bright yellow armor obviously aren’t too concerned with their own well being. These guys are superhuman shock troops, who’s purpose is to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies before utterly destroying them.

    Oh, and the guy with the sword? He’s a champion, a veteran of countless crusades. He will challenge enemy leaders on the battlefield in one-on-one combat, ensuring that they face the Emperor’s wrath directly at the end of a blade.

    Still, since a space marine’s helmet contains inter-squad vox, tactical & squad status displays, auto-senses and environmental containment, the hammer guy probably just removes it for publicity shots like this one.


    Also I think the guy in the front has an Iron Halo (I think that’s the right term).


    These guys do the “wolverine” thing with the metal plates instead of bone. The helmet helps, but a 9mm to the temple won’t do much more htan piss him off. It’ll sting a little, I suppose.

    It’s dumb, but not all *that* dumb. The bright yellow armor is that dumb.

    Rule of cool says “no helmets for the awesome guys”. You see the same thing in movies.


    These guys do the “wolverine” thing with the metal plates instead of bone. The helmet helps, but a 9mm to the temple won’t do much more than piss him off. It’ll sting a little, I suppose.

    It’s dumb, but not all *that* dumb. The bright yellow armor is that dumb.

    Rule of cool says “no helmets for the awesome guys”. You see the same thing in movies.


    I disagree about the yellow armor being dumb. Bees are bright yellow for a reason. They hurt.

    These guys don’t sneak up on the enemy, or hide from them. They arrive by drop-pod, screaming down from orbit, impacting, and advancing on their fores while shouting about how pissed off they are at them. If they did that while wearing forest camo, now that would make no sense.


    Also, the space marines don’t replace their bone with metal plates. They undergo a chemical process which binds ceramics to their bone tissue. It takes about two years for their bodies to absorb, distribute & bind the ceramic substance to their skeletons.


    Some probably have bionics that include metal plates in their head.


    “They arrive by drop-pod, screaming down from orbit, impacting, and advancing on their fores while shouting about how pissed off they are at them.”
    Best description of Space Marine tactics ever.
    Also, both Darth Vader and Boba Fett are awesome, and they have helmets. Darth Vader is lame without his helmet.


    Rules are meant to be broken.

    In the case of those two, they were meant to be bad guys in the simple sense of the term. Boba Fett was barely in the original trilogy anyway, it just so happened he was bad ass enough to win the fanboys’ collective heart.

    Taking away the helmet on characters like this demeans their mystery. Their characterization is their helmets, but in a way they are different, because their helmets didn’t look like the ones everyone else was wearing. Unique in a way that made them interesting. (Off topic: IMO, showing Jango outside of his armor was a mistake, but his character was far different than Boba’s).

    In the case of the heroes of a Space Marine chapter, you want them to be greatly individualized, hence the lack of a helmet. If you could sculpt a bad ass custom helmet that made your characters stand out, I think this would be equally awesome as the no helmet standard, and certainly more unique. Many of the other armies in 40k don’t follow the standard either. Tau for instance, have heroes that stay in their Crisis/Stealth suits (for the most part), but their suits and weapons are what make them individual.

    And while I’m on it, Tau needs a good vehicle commanding character. I think this would be appreciated (by me).


    I agree with pretty much everything you just said. I just love being a dick.


    Well, then ….

    Dick onward.

    fracked again

    Imperial Fists, masters of siege warfare, builders of the most impressive fortresses ever, including the Emperor’s own continent spanning cottage on Earth.

    Unit commanders in the miniatures game are often given some identifying characteristic, like a banner, different colored helmet or they lack a helmet completely. This is carried over in the art, but I like the no fear of death explanation.

    Space Wolves often dump their helmets because their sense of smell is so strong that they prefer to use it instead of just smell the inside of their helmet all day.


    And they got their precious keep kicked in when Angron opened up a warped case of whoop ass.


    so some good old WWI mustard gas would really mess up their day?

    I’m sorry, I know War Hammer prefers rule of cool to rational tactics. My first comment was just being flippant. I was more pointing out about them bringing swords and hammers to a gunfight. I guess the challenging the other leaders to 1-on-1 makes sense, although again it’s rule of cool that once these guys are known in the region, the other leader doesn’t just order a half dozen snipers with armor piercing rounds to turn the guy into a bloody smear. (because their troops would lose morale that their leader wouldn’t fight 1-on1? No way! They’d have heard of this tactic and be glad that their leader wasn’t a moron.)


    The technology they have allows for more efficient use of melee weapons. If your enemy has armour that makes your bullets essentially useless and you have teleporters/jetpacks and chainsaws or tank demolishing hammers, you can more easily make use of them that way. Also, orks. If you have enough dudes with said kickass melee weapons, some are bound to get through and do some hefty damage.


    Swarm also works for Tryanids, and to an extent, Imperial Guard.

    Or just have undead metal skeletons that keep to the Terminator catchphrase.


    Guns strong enough to snipe a marine, if you actually follow the background of the armies, would be mounted on a tank.

    fracked again

    Vindicare assassins would disagree with you.


    I said IF you follow the background for the Space Marines, which is written in a such a way that if the rules followed it, the entire board would explode as soon as you put down a single Tactical Squad.




    The figure in the center with the corona of light around his head is Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists. The photo fits all descriptions of him, as he was known to wield a thunder hammer.

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