Sicilian pizza

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    I’d rape it with my tongue and teeth.


    I’ll lick that peperoni likes no one else can.


    Yummy! I will eat pizza in Sicily one day.

    tiki god

    dude, that’s such a racist statement. they don’t have food like this in Sicily, you’ll have to find it in the USA somewhere.

    From what I understand, they eat oats and horse meat over there.

    did you think that because it’s pizza it’s from italy?


    Actually tiki this style of pie originated in palermo sicily, traditionally the sauce is put on top of the cheese ( as opposed to regular pizza which has sauce underneath the cheese) and anchovy bits are the topping. But hey what the fuck would i know i only spent 10 years in the italian restaurant industry in town that was known for its italian immigrant population outside of the largest city in america (which in turn is known for its massive italian population) and have actually been to Napoli, the italian city that is responsible for the invention of pizza.


    Actually i did fuck up there. Actual sicilian pizza has no Cheese or anchovies. Traditional american-sicilian is served that way.


    cool story bro 10/10 would read again




    Compulsory OM NOM NOM


    This is what Sexyness is


    NYC may be known for it’s pizza, but Staten Island has some of the best pizzerias in the world, especially Sicilian.


    Che bella pizza alla diavola!


    now THIS is pizza…OM NOM NOM NOM



    I’ma let you finish..but Italy had one of the best pizzarias of all time.


    this is a heart attack


    Only if you eat it all the time. We order pizza once a month. It’s something I really look forward to.


    I’d NOM the shit out of that.


    I lived in Sicily for about 3 years … absolutely, no freaking way.

    There’s enough bread here to make at least 4 or 5 pizzas.
    (Americans like to eat thick bread with pizza toppings … over here we eat flat crispy bread with pizza toppings)


    Pizza actually came from China. Thank you Marco Polo.

    djf mccarter

    i’m italian, and i had learn how to prepare it!! eheheh… LOL

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