I have an idea on how to fix the comment rating/replying/subscriptions issue, but it requires that :
1) I have 100% attention on it
2) Comment be disabled for about 30 minutes
both of these require that I be:
1) sober
you see my problem?
also, two changes to mcs, from here on out, only mcs+ peeps can rate images. yep. also, the slider advert on the images for non mcs+ peeps is gone. that shit made MCS a grand total of $20 over the last 4 months that we’ve been testing it, and frankly that’s just not enough for the amount of distraction is was causing.
also: did you know that MCS had over 2 million pageviews last month? Sounds like a lot, but this time last year (during the 2008 elections) we actually hit over 3million in a single month. Madness, amirite?
Over 9000
But I like having the ability to rate 1 on shitty dickgirl posts!
About fucking time.
it would probably help if there were cool pix being posted and not pix of machines from 1940 and another 900 pix of airplanes. just my 2cents
fuck you and your 2 cents. it takes at least $25 for me to care about your opinion.
Im agreeing with Kingjamen, I have been a daily visitor to this site for the past 3 years and as of recent the quality of submissions, save those from Nyokki and DieA, are usually lacking.
Casemods really took a toll on this site.
YES. fucking thank god someone realizing this shit.
you obviously have no clue what you’re talking about, cause casemods hasn’t posted shit to MCS in nearly 2 months. Nice that you still have a hardon for him though.
i take it upon myself to submit more. both OC and not. YOU WILL SEE SIR. AND YOU WILL GET PUNCHED.
Perhaps the traffic has dropped because of how slow the site often runs?
Remember several weeks ago (or months?) there was something wrong with the site and it reverted to some kind of default theme… and it ran 10 times faster than usual? Can we explore that a bit?
Re:Perhaps the traffic has dropped because of how slow the site often runs?
Yeah, what the hell IS that? The page is fully loaded here, but I get a “49 items still loading” thingie. I`m tired of hitting Escape. It`s annoying as fuck, and why I click on fewer pics now.
Also – They see me votin`, they hatin`.
Excuse me Mr. Tiki,
I bought and paid for my house and land 10yrs. ago ($120,000.00 all paid off!)… and I did not even try to black-mail or dennagrate anyone into paying for it! You’ve overstepped your bounds. Good bye and have a Good Life!
2 months?
Yeah but did you also finance and moderate a kickass website next to buying your house? Didn’t think so.
Also ignore Tiki if he’s being really mean. He’s just messing with you. And I think what njch412 meant with the casemods comment, thanks for saying nice things about me by the way, is that casemods infected other people with lameposteritits.
Personally I have no problem with planes and girls with dicks but atk already stopped posting and casemods got banned.
I looked up the word dennagrate, in case it actually existed. I thought you meant denigrate, but it does not make sense in the context.
Please, what is the word you are saying there.