#5 from the left won
I hope they all win.
I’m “Assuming” that’s a Catholic College. We know they’re all saints.
Competing to spill white house secrets to Bob Woodward?
I just got a piece of mail saying I should go to Assumption College, Might reconsider.
Poor un-funny edit
Assumption is a parish in mississippi or something.
Assumption College is in Worcester, MA and it is a Catholic college. I haven’t heard too much about it other than that, though.
why has no-one else asked the MOST important question here??? WHERE DO I SIGN UP TO BE A JUDGE IN THIS CONTEST??????????????
#5 from the left won
I hope they all win.
I’m “Assuming” that’s a Catholic College. We know they’re all saints.
Competing to spill white house secrets to Bob Woodward?
I just got a piece of mail saying I should go to Assumption College, Might reconsider.
Poor un-funny edit
Assumption is a parish in mississippi or something.
Assumption College is in Worcester, MA and it is a Catholic college. I haven’t heard too much about it other than that, though.
why has no-one else asked the MOST important question here??? WHERE DO I SIGN UP TO BE A JUDGE IN THIS CONTEST??????????????