Douche Loves Fat Bitch

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    Uh Oh….casemod is in trouble again!



    this bitch brought some dude home to fuck and she’s pissed she let him goo in her poo


    Its probably not even his ex. Its probably his current.


    you stupid bitch, that’s you!

    Kik Dogg

    The phone photo was clearly a message to the skank he just fucked…

    “Thanks for the ride, I don’t want to TALK to you, Please let me sneak away quietly”

    Fucking brilliant.


    That’s some good hand writing.

    And also more proof it’s just as much women as men who give women body image issues.


    That would require Casemods ever being with a female… ( All his gay-bashing is what we like to call “denial” )


    I don’t gay bash. I support the gay community. It’s everyone else who gay bashes.

    I hate niggers. And spics.



    Are you kidding? It’s really only women that give women body issues. Most guys just don’t care that much. They say they do, but no, not so much.


    : You run around here calling people “faggots” in an obviously derogatory manner. So, yeah, you gay bash.


    “I hate niggers. And spics.” Nice.


    Tyger: I have to at least attempt to see what fuels these miscreants. I don’t see the fun in acting 14 and calling everyone that doesn’t agree with you a faggot – but I had to at least give it a shot – again – since I was 14…

    Drew: Thanks.


    Calling people faggots hardly constitutes as gay bashing. Now if casemods was going matthew shepard on people, then yeah, that would be gay bashing.

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