This guy was sitting in front of my Nazi neighbour’s house and he had these Hitler beer bottles so I asked if I could buy one. He was sceptical at first and asked why. I said I think they’re pretty and that way I’ll have something to punish myself with, for not being Aryan, he laughed and gave me one for free. They’re from Italy and it’s actually illegal to own these here in Austria.
Haha, right. And who’s the idiot who put all those backslashes there.
I bet it tastes like his sexual fetish.
What was his fetish? Wasn’t he really into his very young niece, or something?
Apparently he was into urinating on women.
…and shitting on Jews.
OMG is that your arm?
fap fap fap fap fap
I have Der Koeniggraetzer Marsch playing in my head now.
They have a whole series of Hitler labels for Birre Dalla Storia, not to mention plenty of Mussolini ones too. It’s illegal in Germany as well isn’t it? I suppose that’s a lot of the appeal behind Third Reich memorabilia which, unlike Soviet stuff, is still a major taboo in many countries.
It’s definitely illegal in Germany, because it glorifies Hitler (don’t mention the war!). But in Italy, they still have loads of stuff like that, the most common being Hitler wine afaik.
Yes, you can still buy wine with Hitler, Mussolini or Goebbels face on the etiquette.
Königgrätzer Marsch, nice.
And yes you’re right it’s illegal in Germany as well, like MicroMan said.
Also, nice slingshot.
Yeah, what’s the deal with the slingshot… ?
I made it myself for shooting people with little paperballs in the park on lunch break. It also covers up my calendar which has my home town’s name written on it.;)
“Shooting people with little paperballs in the park on lunch break”
You’re just a little troublemaker aren’t you… 🙂
Haha, oh I’m working on it.
reported to who?
I believe Brushaway was joking. Or maybe I should leave the country yeah?