The man known as the “liberal lion of the Senate” had fought a more than year-long battle with brain cancer, and according to his son had lived longer with the disease than his doctors expected him to.
The man known as the “liberal lion of the Senate” had fought a more than year-long battle with brain cancer, and according to his son had lived longer with the disease than his doctors expected him to.
Wow. damn. i am kind of sad. i mean i hated this guy but i never wished death upon him. In a way i kind of admired him and his batshit insanity
You really shouldn’t hate this guy. Without him, we’d never know how JFK would have turned out.
When I joined the Knights of Columbus 22 years ago as a young man, I was surprised and proud to learn the Kennedy Brothers were also members. Now i’m just embarrased we weren’t able to kick him out while he was still alive.
So good riddance.
I’m just embarrased that you’re in the same country as me.
I’m embarrassed by America right now. Because its embarrassing itself.
Find out the hard way though. meh
Chappaquiddick. Good-bye.
I’m sad that brain tumor finally took him out. I had my money on a heart attack getting him before the tumor. Oh well, its only $50.
Thank you for your respect for the dead. Excuse me while I return the favor and piss on Reagan’s grave.
What does Ronny have to do with it. The fact that some people didn’t like Teddy doesn’t make them Republican fanboys. Ted killed a chick and got away with it, he was scum.
Statute of limitations for murder never ran out. Why didn’t anybody ever press charges?
cecasue there was no murder involved, just a car accident. idiots like to think otherwise.
Negligent homicide then. While Mary Jo waited in a shrinking air bubble for him to help her, he swam to shore, went home, slept a good nights sleep, and then, after discussing the issue with aids, called the police.
What a Scumbag.
Indeed, to hell with Reps and Demos. Rich little prick drowned a young girl to save his own ass and barely got a slap on the wrist. Shame he didn’t drown in a car too…
what the fuck are you even talking about?
Seriously. fuck reagan and fuck you you little sock puppet. Jedi Scum.
He was just commenting on all the nastiness on Kennedy. Tell all the others “fuck you” too.
I don’t really care. I really don’t.
Mary Joe Kopecky can rest in peace now.
I’m fairly certain she was resting just fine before Ted died.
Ya the secrets about her former boss and Ted’s brother have been resting fine with her.
Car accident my ass. Drunk driving followed by a brisk swim across a channel.
Somebody earned his way by offing one of the dismissible masses of which we are all a apart.
They should light this fat fucking drunk on fire and see how long he burns for. Too bad he’s already dead.
Another dead DemonCrat. It’s a good start. Now President One-Term won’t get his communist healthcare plan passed. GOOD!
As a rule of thumb, I don’t censor people, but fuck you man, why you comin into my house and shitting on the rug?
Your house is paid for by his visits so while you’ve commissioned the space if you want to profit from your house then he may shit where he pleases though I guess in this case 1 mans shit is another man’s truth.
Remember Magnus before the crack?
I haven’t changed at all.
You’re just a fucking idiot.
You’re dumb as shit and getting behind tiki and his opinions only weakens their validity.
Thanks for paying so much attention to everything I write. Faggot.
Again with the calling me gay. I think you have something you need to work out, dude. And put down the pipe.
I already went over this with you. God damned you’re stupid.
I call people faggot all the time. I don’t care who you want to fuck I’m just insulting you, dumbshit.
Holy hell.
Plus you already tried that line of logic that you just tried again and it didn’t work before so why try it again?
Cause you’re a fucking idiot that’s why.
What pipe are you referring to? The one I would crack your head open with or the one I use to give your mom anally induced orgasms? psssst its the same pipe. That’s why your hair always smells like that.
Another Meh for Maggie.
Another chirp from the back seat from pisshead.
Shouldn’t you be out protesting something you can’t even spell let alone understand?
Magnus is an angry, angry loser. He blows up if anyone so much as hints that they might possibly disagree with him. He must be marginalized in real life and has to try and achieve a sense of superiority on the web. It’s Internet Tough-Guy Syndrome. Such a small man.
Depends on who.
With me its nowhere.
With you its party time.
I was just pissed that the news stations kept breaking into my late night tv with the same crap about him dying. I missed eric idle playing guitar on the late late show!
Today, they may have got him for negligent homicide or manslaughter (something along those lines), but driving drunk and having an accident, even a fatal one, was not really punished at the time. They made a big deal about because he was a Kennedy…and he was the wrong Kennedy. People wanted him to be John or Robert, and he simply wasn’t.
Holiday in Cambodia?
He drove off a bridge into the water, left the woman there in the water. Then he went home and called in the “car accident/(*drunk driving)” the next day! He wasn’t charged, no. He is a Kennedy of course he wasn’t charged. They covered it up.
It was a major dick thing to do.