Down Is Up
A naval researcher tests the effects on animals of being upside-down for prolonged periods of time.
Shutter to Think
A demonstration of the way a camera shutter works.
Magnetic Personality
A research engineer plays with an electronic tube inside of which usually invisible lines of magnetic force appear as curving lines.
Force Field
Magnetism is made visible in a 1948 device.
Jack Gariss: Turn Off Your Mind
Spiritual teacher and meditation instructor Jack Gariss conducts a group meditation experiment.
Couldn’t find pics of anyone with bras on their heads.
LIFE: Weird Science: Show and Tell
From my heart and from my hand, why don’t people understand, my intentions?
Plastic tubes and pots and pans, bits and pieces and magic from the hand
We’re makin’ Weird Science
Poor kitty… I wonder what the results of that experiment were.
I think it makes the kitty move around a lot in panic and then after a good couple minutes it feels like the kitty is dying from the rush of too much blood to the head. Eyes start to change color after being upside down too long?
We tried the same experiment as the first photo in high school biology; except instead of straps we used staples.
The magnetic field in the “Force Field” pic looks like a giant spider.