Someone is jealous

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    More like someone is fugly, amirite?


    Both. She looks like a monkey or something.


    I hope you know you are on an FBI watch list now, if you weren’t already. But I lol’ed, so it is worth it.


    So what does that mean? I don’t do anything illegal so should I care? How are they watching me?

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    You counterfeit money and post your results in the forum.

    teezy weezy

    Yeah, they really take it seriously if someone says Derek Obamas wife looks like a monkey LOL


    That Caucasian Female is very attractive and clean looking.

    NIGGER monkey bitch needs to clean that paint off it’s face.


    dude dude dude dude … wtf?!?!?

    you calling the white girl clean? because she has some appearance enhancing material called makeup and you say she look clean? man you talking shit lol. I know now you really dislike black people.. good luck playing the racial card. Why are you such a diligent retard?


    wow casemods u get poop on ur face


    Ahhhhh, so that’s why everyone thinks you’re a dick.


    no one thinks casemods is a dick; sometimes me makes random arguments when he is drunk though.

    casemods. You know the white house is in trouble for making an enemies list and threatening free speech? I (am ashamed to say) I saw it on CNN.


    No I don’t (well know I do) but I don’t really read the news or anything.

    And I can’t help it if these stupid kids that are black and mexican are racist in the first place and happen to listen to rap and it’s a proven fact that black people and some mexicans play the race card because they think slavery is still an issue or matters so they hate white people because we have it so good.


    A prime example of blacks hating us is this very picture. Look how evil they get. It’s almost animalistic and not human.


    so which category are you in?
    don’t you listen to listen to rap?
    put your waist pants under your ass?
    walk like you got shot in the right leg?
    pull back your seat of your car so you’re lying back all the way?

    Too bad you’re white, so you cannot be with the black kids. you will just be categorized at a wannabe?

    *lifting up an mirror towards casemeth*

    it wasn’t the minorities who were racist in the first place dumbass lol. No they don’t play a race card because they think slavery is still an issue they do it because the white people started the whole cluster fuck and they are stupid because they continue the shit the white people started.

    Casemeth:”They hate white people because we have it so good”

    Because of people like you… It’s a proven fact that retards live among us


    I keep hearing that she’s hot. That she has style. I say meh.

    Shes average, if even that. And she dresses like a clown; or like a yuppie lady that owns a thrift store (you know, the one who makes her own clothes).

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    You must be talking about Obama’s square headed train wreck because the French chick I’m pretty sure had a good career as a model.


    Caption Contest —

    Carla (thinking): I smell chicken…

    Michelle (thinking): Prissy Honky!


    damn i just thought michelle realized that chick was an alien or somethin, lol seriously tho look at the white girl’s eyes, she has no soul!!!


    ColombianMonkey: are you serious? White people are the only people in the WHOLE DAMN WORLD THAT HAD A PROBLEM WITH slavery! Until Britain and France decided slavery was bad in the 1800s; the whole world accepted that slavery was normal and acceptable.

    Arabs. Famous slavers. see Muslim slavers
    Africans. Famous slavers. See Muslim slavers
    Jews. (checks old testament) Yep. Slavers
    Christians. (checks old & new testament) Yep Slavers.
    Hinduism. Cast system exactly like slavery? check.

    Asians? well the moguls had slavery; I really do not know about the Chinese/Japanese. Cast system said about Hinduism applies though.


    also prehistoric and primitive times


    Yet again you guys are focusing on the wrong thing, let me redirect your attention to the lack of soul issue once again…

    casemods UID# 667

    She sure is FUGLY

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