words to live by

destroy.JPG (44 KB)

home identity.JPG (39 KB)

pis.JPG (32 KB)

pride2.JPG (19 KB)

in convenient business card sizes

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    I kind of agree with the second one. But only on a subjective level.

    The third one has some truth to it, except you can’t put it that way. If someone doesn’t value the place they’re at and all the privileges they have because of it, how do you expect them to respect any other place.


    Hm I just thought about this some more, at first I thought “racism” was just the wrong term, but patriotism isn’t the right one either. I know what they were trying to say but they got it all wrong.

    Who wasted their time making these instead of finishing that useless philosophy course.


    perhaps you were looking for the word nationalism?
    just trying to help


    You’re probably right, nationalism instead of patriotism and xenophobia instead of racism. But I’m pretty sure I know what type of person made these, I think their definition includes not just nationalists, but also people who happen to appreciate the rights they have in their country.






    That’s a whole lotta Fail there.


    Dont walk in front of me for i may not fallow.
    dont walk behind me for i may not lead.
    all of you just fucking die.


    So much self hatred contained in so little space.


    If I don’t have a nice house how will strangers know I’m better than they are?


    Oh, foolish Kero. Your house doesn’t tell people you’re better than them.

    That’s what your car is for. I mean, your house is mostly seen by your neighbors, who probably have similar houses anyway, but with the car you can tell people everywhere you go.


    I want to own a million dollar mansion and own a beat-up 1970s era beige Station Wagon.


    a million dollar house is hardly a mansion these days


    Ah! But if someone buys a Series 3 BMW or Lamborghini does this mean that person is rich or wealthy? Can they afford the insurance and are they financing the hell outta it?


    Our house is worth about 1.2 million right now. It is not a mansion at all. My brother bought the lot and built it for about $400k.


    I’ll bet the person who made this came up with this bullshit after they read 1984 and decided to take a cautionary tale far too seriously.


    I think this person doesn’t read any books except the ones they got in high school or college before they got kicked out for plagiarising concepts from said books they were given to read.

    Let’s continue this.


    I doubt the person who made these have even set foot on a college campus. Each one of these so called “messages” are banal and overdone and a generalization that the average 5th grader could come up with. Let’s look at each.

    “Destroy Western Civilization” – Wonderful, let’s destroy the thing that has created most of the modern equipment that the world now finds vital. The internet? Pioneered by the US Government, originally called ARPANET and designed to keep communications working after a Soviet nuclear attack.

    “Your home is not your identity.” – Duh. My parents were qualified for up to a $90,000 dollar loan (adjusting for inflation, that’s $126k in today-dollars) but we decided on 60,000 because we enjoy things like occasional new cars and the odd vacation here and there.

    “Patriotism is racism.” – LOL WAT!? Given the little image tidbit given with it, I suppose it has something to do with underpaid illegal immigrants building our houses or something, but the concept behind the words is so goddamn ludicrous that it’s hard to even think about what it’s saying. Maybe they mean Nationalism, and yes, Nationalism is a bad thing. Look to 1930s-era newsreels from Europe at the height of Nazi political power.

    “Pride breeds hate.” – Depends. How much pride are we talking here? Like…a modicum of pride at big projects that get done and are done right? I’d be proud of myself if I bothered to clean my room (I won’t) but I’m not going to be all “OMG UR ROOM IS DIRTIER THAN MIEN I HAET U ):<” and I realize that they’re talking “Nationalistic Pride” but regardless, they should choose their wording more carefully, otherwise some loudmouth smartass like me will come along and fuck up what they thought was clear.


    I meant very specific assumptions about the creator’s life that could be true but probably aren’t… like a game.

    These cards are so laughable that I can’t even feel bothered about them.

    I’ll continue this with myself then if you don’t want to be part of the game.

    I think this person threw a paper he wrote about capitalism against his bedroom wall and started crying at the age of 21.


    I think the person who wrote this was rejected from Vienna art school. Twice.


    Ah come on, that’s nonsense. Mister Rejected was for patriotism and nationalism.

    I think the person who wrote this has bite marks on his leg from getting attacked by a dog that belongs to an old woman who he tried to steal food from.


    I think the person who wrote this is actively involved in anarchist groups who try to make bananadine.


    I think the person who wrote this, wanted to buy just a pickle once, but before he reached the checkout he saw a girl he hadn’t met in a long time and arranged a date for later that evening, he knew he was going to sleep with her and as he kept walking towards the checkout he remembered that he didn’t have any condoms any more, so he went back to get some and as he passed the oil section he decided to also buy some olive oil in case he had to cook for her, when he got back he saw that the cashier was chatting with the girl he met just before and as he laid his stuff out for the cashier they started to laugh. It was then that he realised that he was buying a pickle, oil and condoms which made so much blood rush into his head that he fell on his red face as he left the store, then he ran home, didn’t open his door for four days and that’s how he developed picklepurchasephobia. Also known as the Terrifying Triple P.


    Good God that is awesome. XD


    SO….amazingly uninformed.
    So out of touch with history
    So much self hate.


    um nobody knows just said something i didnt understand and i am not sure if i should go kill myself or if he was just being unintelligeble?


    “Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.”
    ~Oscar Wilde

    Because patriotism, of all of them, will incite the most bizarre responses here.


    Are you referring to me? I’m sorry I’m terribly sick and I have a fever. Only someone who is tripping on Mexican mushrooms is more disoriented than me right now. I tried to make a cup of cocoa just before and I put the cup with just the cocoa powder in the microwave. That’s how bad it is.


    I actually skimmed most of this thread. I don’t have time for it, and I can already see where it was/is going. Still, didn’t fall into that 50% chance of going truly ape shit with back and forth comments. So no, not you.


    Pride does not breed hate!


    You seem like a reasonable person.

    I apologise if you feel offended by my childish behaviour so far, when you get to hear things like this and you don’t know anything about the creator, it’s easy to assume the worst.

    The only really irritating one is the first card, do you truly believe that? If It weren’t for the first card, I think the response would have been less harsh.


    Well, lessee. Western civilization has given us the highest standard of living for the greatest number of people, saved and prolonged millions of lives through advances in technology and medicine, and freed us from the burden of a sustenance existence so that those of us who wish can do something useful with our lives. So we should destroy it… why? Sure, we still have poverty, hunger, and violence, but we always have and likely always will. Anyone who honestly believes Western civilization’s ills outweigh its benefits has some issues with that whole brain-working thing.

    And my home is not my identity? How does that even make sense? I’m Irish, and no matter where I may travel in the world, Ireland will always be home. The social, political, religious and economic pressures of Ireland as I was growing up shaped me into the person I am today. If I’d been born in Tehran, or Detroit, I would be a completely different person in either case. I can see how this might be a reaction to the mindset of “You’re American! Americans believe in [whatever]!”, but I think this is a case of over-simplification to the point of being demonstrably false.

    The third I can at least see where they’re coming from, since zealous patriotism goes hand-in-hand with nationalism which is great for separating Us from Them, which in turn makes it far easier to dehumanise Them, so then it’s OK when we go slaughter them and take all their stuff. Don’t waste your time responding if you think I’m only referring to Iraq, by the way.

    Hate is far too strong a word in this case. Contempt would be a more suitable replacement. As for the above example of someone laughing at the lawn you’re so proud of and pointing out its flaws, that has less to do with your pride and more to do with them being an asshat. And I have no problem with people hating asshats. Change it to “Asshats breed hate”, and I’ll have no argument with it. Aside from the fact that it should technically be “hatred”, but I digress. More than usual.




    I think the identity one can be interpreted many ways. Here’s how I thought of it. If you’re well educated, well mannered, if you respect your fellow humans etc. – those things have little to do with you being Irish. If you had lead that life with the same environment and the same kind of people in say, Japan, you could be the same person except you’d be Japanese.
    Of course culture and language are significant parts of every person’s identity, but you being Irish had no direct affect on anything you’re good at, or anything you worked for. After all, countries are just imaginary lines on the ground, invented by people.

    See this would seem a lot less confusing if it weren’t for that first goddamn card. I’m still waiting for an explanation for its existence from the OP. But I don’t think he meant that one’s nationality has no meaning at all.

    And are you mad at me? Don’t be mad at me.



    You said, “I didn’t expect much support…if there had been our culture wouldn’t be the same.”

    I find that pretty mind blowing. Most people expect others to come to the same conclusions as them, and can’t handle disagreements. For example I do that, usually. Haha yeah I need to work on that.

    As for your take on Western civilisation, that’s a first. I think I’ve read similar things, but I’ve never heard anyone think of it that way. I guess I agree in a way, but this is one of those things that just won’t be considered acceptable, even if it’s true, because the people are simply too proud.
    There are some ways that could bring a change about, but those are things we don’t have under control so it’s a little useless to worry too much about it. Not the whole thing, just trying to figure out what the key happenings could be.

    Anyway this has become a rant, katsushiro you don’t seem to mean any harm, I think your views are very interesting. And I’ll apologise once more, even I was funny.:p


    That was supposed to be – even if I was funny*

    Man I’m still sick.


    First off, my mommy says I shouldn’t talk to strangers, so I wouldn’t. Second off, I’d want to punch them in the face because they could have said a curt yet polite “That’s nice. Good job,” and continued on their merry way but no, they had to go and be a douche and I would feel justified in my reason for hitting them. Not cause permanent damage or anything, just give them a good wallop.


    “All generalizations are dangerous, even this one.”

    –Alexandre Dumas






    Dude, these cards sound like something i would have written when i was in 7th grade and was convinced that george bush was the anti-christ and that america needed to be destroyed. These are just juvenile generalizations ( Ala Alexandre Dumas as quoted by Mr HoChunk)that sound like they scraped off of the editing room floor for Rolling Stones. I feel like my IQ shot down by 10 points for even contemplating the meaning behind this tripe. I mean what exactly are you trying to accomplish with this?


    I love this sort of thing.

    These are like the tracts written by “communist” college-kids.

    It brightens my day to imagine some day, twenty years in the future, when the person who created these will, upon reflecting on them for a moment, visibly cringe while sitting in his armchair watching TV.


    What the fuck does he have against some good honest suburban yard care!? Shoveling snow, mowing lawns, raking leaves, and landscaping was how I made a living when I first moved out to live on my own …amongst other things.

    Sure there are plenty of aspects of western civilization I’d love to destroy and should be destroyed… but yard work? wtf?

    fracked again

    I gave this 5 stars for the trolling opportunities it offers on 4chan alone.

    For substance, its a zero. It tries to be provocative, though.


    Tits or GTFO.


    These and more anti-establishment pop culture paraphernalia can easily be found in your nearest “Hot Topic” store.


    All true, all true ~


    Well call me misanthropic, actually you can I wouldn’t mind, but I do find some truth in some of it. Patriotism is Racism, not exactly the correct words but there is some truth. I would probably substitute the words for Religion and Xenophobia at least. No offense to religious people, but I link it to the patriotism because of bullshit like the Manifest Destiny. Instead of unity religion separates. The home is not your identity is true pretty much. I’m puertorican but it doesn’t define me. If it did I woul dbe listening to lame ass reggaeton music and talking nonstop about cars with my friends. Not saying it’s all true but it’s not completely bullshit either


    You’re a bad, bad person and should not talk about our glorious, god-made, perfectly perfect humanity like that.
    Filthy you, back to reeducation camp at once!

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