Dust Lust

Dust Lust

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    This is absolutely incredible for some abnormal reason.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    The reason is boobs. And its not abnormal for something to be incredible because of them.


    I was so impressed, I just Google’d up in this motherfucker: http://www.dustgame.com/


    I don’t know what the hell this is about but dayum this is effective advertising


    Just picked up vol 1 and 2 of the comic from 12Guage comics this week. Have the figure models, and am looking for the injection and resin powered armor suit kits.

    I admit I am a huge geek, but I draw the line at the board game.


    Woof! And aoooogah! Damn, she’s fine.


    Must.. NOT… MAKE…DESKTOP. ARGHHHRRRHHHH damn did it anyway


    This is great.

    Those models look great.

    My pants look wet.

    My pants feel gooey.


    My nipples, too, are hard.


    She bares a strong resemblance to Angelina Jolie, but chestier.


    You just figured out why I like this so much. I probably thought the same, unconsciously.


    just got dumped-
    this isn’t helping.

    or is it. . .


    I like, and for completely chauvinistic reasons. Yet I find myself not caring.

    Olaf Thorsson

    Larger image w/ white background here:- http://www.12gaugecomics.com/downloads.html


    You’re the best, thank you. Too bad the colours are not the same in the bigger one.


    The pigeons seem curious about Laci 😉


    Nice lips and boobs and AIRFORCE Jacket. I manly jacket like that would be badass.


    1940’s US Army paratroopers jacket, not Air Force.


    I’m not too keen on military history…101st. airborne, screaming eagles?


    Yes 101st are the Screaming Eagles.

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