I’m a little confused. Is Calvin the person with the backpack, or the big blonde guy? Because depending on which one it is, this picture just gets creepier and creepier.
Yeah, that’s Suzy Derkins. This comes from the mentality that if you tease someone at six you’ll be in love with them at sixteen. In reality, there is a strong correlation AGAINST that idea. If you hang out with someone between the ages ~3 and 8, you’re very unlikely to be strongly attracted to them. Some theorize it’s the brain applying the same method it uses to inhibit incest to other non-family people you are exposed to in your early years (of course every scientific theory is just another grad student trying vainly to get published).
Either way, I kind of like the idea of seeing what adventures Calvin and crew would get into as late teens/early adults. Where would the “where does imagination end?” thread go for them? Would Hobbes still seem real (perhaps only in flashbacks)?
What theory? That’s all opinion, son.
I’d wager the results would be him recognizing his dementia and realizing how it really empowers him. Calvin was a little shit who would most certainly grow into a marvelous prick.
Inhibit incest? Huh, that makes sense. I don’t remember most of my childhood, and I gotta tell you some of my cousins, even ones I knew then . . . they are hot. /creep
Hobbes is real ya silly heads!
But it is only Calvin who can see him. Right now Calvin is distracting suzy whilst Hobbes sodomizes her through the backpack.
Seriously? That was your first thought? I think you should study a little American art history and maybe even the history of Japanese cartoon and it’s origins to realize just how stupid that comment was.
I think this was traced and editted. TBH, it looks exactly like a scene from Peach Girl after Momo hurts her ankle on a school trip. The girl’s face, Suzy, even looks exactly like Momo’s. That’s even her back pack and boots.. lol… Just sayin.. TRACED.
That I know, but I have the whole set of books and the face is hers exactly. That tells me the source. I’ll find the comics when I get home if no one has located it through Google by then. XD I just can’t stand tracers. lol.
Haha I see. The whole set? Nice. Yeah I can’t stand tracers either. I can’t find any picture, though I can’t even remember who carried her, was it Toji?
Or maybe nobody uploaded anything.
I’m a little confused. Is Calvin the person with the backpack, or the big blonde guy? Because depending on which one it is, this picture just gets creepier and creepier.
Calvin is carrying that girl he always like yelled at and stuff.
Yeah, that’s Suzy Derkins. This comes from the mentality that if you tease someone at six you’ll be in love with them at sixteen. In reality, there is a strong correlation AGAINST that idea. If you hang out with someone between the ages ~3 and 8, you’re very unlikely to be strongly attracted to them. Some theorize it’s the brain applying the same method it uses to inhibit incest to other non-family people you are exposed to in your early years (of course every scientific theory is just another grad student trying vainly to get published).
Either way, I kind of like the idea of seeing what adventures Calvin and crew would get into as late teens/early adults. Where would the “where does imagination end?” thread go for them? Would Hobbes still seem real (perhaps only in flashbacks)?
Oh, and nice drawing.
WIN! I love this comic strip, it was a sad day in comic strip history when Bill decided to stop Calvin and Hobbes.
Obviously the blonde dude is Calvin.
What theory? That’s all opinion, son.
I’d wager the results would be him recognizing his dementia and realizing how it really empowers him. Calvin was a little shit who would most certainly grow into a marvelous prick.
The Westermarck Effect theory
Inhibit incest? Huh, that makes sense. I don’t remember most of my childhood, and I gotta tell you some of my cousins, even ones I knew then . . . they are hot. /creep
Calvin is now the janitor in that one comic..whatever it was. Frazz?
Hobbes is real ya silly heads!
But it is only Calvin who can see him. Right now Calvin is distracting suzy whilst Hobbes sodomizes her through the backpack.
Suzy Derkins is EVIL!
Calvin & Hobbes all grown up is Fight Club
I love this.
Hey Kisama, for showing me this you just won. Congrats.
The original lineart doesn’t have Calvin smiling, which gives the picture pretty different meaning.
I hate it when people take something nice and good, then fuck it up by making it Japanese.
@...ian356094: Does this happen to you often?
@...Xerxes-161: Much better without smile.
If by “Adult Years” you mean “If It Were Done In The Style Of Some Faggy-Ass Japanimation,” then the picture is accurately titled.
@...Howie Feltersnatch: Fuck off. Knee-jerk anime style bashing doesn’t make you cool, no matter what the /b/tards tell you.
@...Tyger42: I disagree, I think he is quite cool.
Typical blablabla…
anyone have the SOURCE ?!
Facepalm at “Anime Style.”
Seriously? That was your first thought? I think you should study a little American art history and maybe even the history of Japanese cartoon and it’s origins to realize just how stupid that comment was.
Go ahead, I’ll wait.
What Paul_Is_Drunk said.
@...Tyger42: I like the picture too, but it’s best to let Howie say what he wants and enjoy it.
Just to reiterate. Hobbes is real.
This brought about a wave of nostalgia like no other =)
I’m digging it.
I think this was traced and editted. TBH, it looks exactly like a scene from Peach Girl after Momo hurts her ankle on a school trip. The girl’s face, Suzy, even looks exactly like Momo’s. That’s even her back pack and boots.. lol… Just sayin.. TRACED.
Wow these names, Peach Girl, Momo.. you brought some memories back there. Haha and I can even remember that scene.
On the other hand, this is such a classic pose.
That I know, but I have the whole set of books and the face is hers exactly. That tells me the source. I’ll find the comics when I get home if no one has located it through Google by then. XD I just can’t stand tracers. lol.
Haha I see. The whole set? Nice. Yeah I can’t stand tracers either. I can’t find any picture, though I can’t even remember who carried her, was it Toji?
Or maybe nobody uploaded anything.
In the next frame…SEX.