Life, explained

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    Life, don’t talk to me about life.


    MY lIFE:


    you forget to add ” Yourself “


    Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself,Fuck yourself.


    Very nice, I’m sure this is great material for lame writers. But it is not the truth.
    It’s in your hands what you do with your life. It’s in your hands how you perceive your life and the world around you.
    Got a job that sucks? Change your attitude, your priorities and BAM suddenly your job seems like a gift.

    I work as a waitress. Do I enjoy serving liquids to stupid motherfuckers who go out and pay twice as much as they should for a fucking cup of coffee? No.
    But I go about doing it with open eyes. There has not been one day where I didn’t learn something about human behaviour, at work. Body language even.


    and for those who are wise, they learn something about you 😛


    Haha they can try but everything I do is calculated. ‘Cause I’m like this evil woman trying to rule the world and shit. But don’t tell anyone.

    Luke Magnifico

    But I am evil and trying to rule the world!

    We cannot both rule the world!

    This is what happens when no one tells anyone else that they’re planning to take over the world!


    You can be Pinky and I’m the Brain. When we’re finally there, it will only be you and me. And we’ll have an ultimate epic brain battle which will decide who is going to oppress the entire world.

    We could just get married though.


    I will support your evil marriage.


    M’am, it appears I haven’t been clear enough last time we talked on Skype. I am not going to have lesbian sex with your 78 year old ass.


    So wrong.


    nobody knows: I know right.

    Luke Magnifico

    I could never marry you.

    If we can’t be open about something as simple as ruling the world, our lack of communication must mean our marriage would be doomed from the beginning.

    I’m sorry. But I’m just saving the both of us from years of unhappiness.


    You gus r so fucked up.


    Haha but I was open about it! I always tell everyone that I want to rule the world. They just have to ask.

    But from what I hear marriages suck anyway, so I propose this: We could get engaged and just never marry. Brilliant I know, you can stop clapping now.

    nobody knows: Wut. You do realise we’re joking.


    Yeah, sure just joking, just a joke not real….


    nobody knows: I don’t even know what we’re talking about here anymore. Dreth isn’t really 78 years old. Or a woman. Maybe. No but really. Neither am I 72.
    I’d link my youtube channel, but there can be only one troll. Moi. So that isn’t happening anytime soon.


    What, you marrying me?

    Luke Magnifico

    As long as we can have a huge engagement party, with a wedding cake, then that will be fine.


    Can i come?

    Luke Magnifico



    fine,your not coming to mine.

    Luke Magnifico

    Of course I won’t. You’ll never have one. You’re going to die alone.


    LukeV1-5: dieAntagonista: Ahem…There is currently a ruler of this world and I plan on staying for a while. So go ahead and get comfy…relax, have a drink. You’ve got plenty of time, especially since I plan on living forever.

    Luke Magnifico

    Hey, we’re hip, young….hip youngsters, we can wait a while.

    Forever is a long time, though.

    We may have to murder you, at some stage. I think that’s a good compromise, yes?


    Fuck all of you!!! you guys are jerks, one day i am going to become dictator of the world, then i am to have this big party and none of you are going to come.


    nobody knows: We will all come and stab you with knives like dictators deservd. Yes, I have been watching too much Rome.

    Luke Magnifico

    If you don’t invite us to the party, we’ll tell all our friends not to go. And then your party will be empty, and you will feel like a failure.


    what about something original, not ike that dumbass ceaser.

    Luke Magnifico



    We put you on a small moon.

    And then we slam that moon into another, bigger moon, at high speed.

    And you explode, or something.

    It’s a work in progress, leave me alone.


    Then what? if anything.


    nobody knows: And then you are reborn as a pile of cow dung that explodes!


    Sounds good. no serioly that made me laugh. it so random.

    Luke Magnifico

    Was it “random”?

    Well, I’m glad it was “random” enough for you

    I’m glad it lacked sufficient sequence, or order.

    I’m going to shoot you, innna’ head.


    wow you must be brain dead. everyone knows after marriage the sex is gone.


    and during engagement it’s like 3x a day of sex…. hmm maybe that’s why dieAntagonista wants to stay engage


    nyokki: oh sorry, i should say most, but the lucky ones get to have this ability unlocked.


    err love


    i don’t fall 4 it

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