@nyokki: which is exactly what most people mean when they say impossible, as in, “while it isn’t physically impossible, it is so unlikely that I cannot conceive a situation where I would believe it would occur.”
According to my limited experience and narrow understanding, it’s very unlikely that you can carry a flylod through a revolving door.
SumoSnipe (#4452)
16 years ago
Don’t think that saborlas! It is a muscle and with the right training and rigorous practice it is possible! Why a few days ago I thought it was impossible that a woman could or would bend over backwards to please a man, yet we have photo proof of it!
And yeah I know the word was inconceivable, but the line just seemed to fit. I do like josies’ quote better,though.
@...SumoSnipe: You do realize that a penis is not actually made of muscle tissue right…? Good. Just checking. Thats not to say its impossible to make it twenty feet long and prehensile…
Plastic surgery, cybernetics and prosthetics can do wonders these days. Just be sure you’ve thought ahead about how your are going to address the resulting perambulation issues…
SumoSnipe (#4452)
16 years ago
I stand corrected, though I still say it can be trained. No, I don’t want mine to be 20 foot long and prehensile, I was just attempting to cheer saborlas on. My penis gets me in quite enough trouble even as small as it is.
It’s impossible to have sex with a woman.
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
Or as Ralph Wiggum would say…
“That’s unpossible!”
@...josie: W/ his finger up his nose.
+ 100 internet points for @...SumoSnipe: and a very on point Princess Bride reference.
@...mAgnUS BUTTfoorson: ‘cept it’s inconceivable.
My dick is not going to become twenty feet long and prehensile, because that’s impossible.
@nyokki: which is exactly what most people mean when they say impossible, as in, “while it isn’t physically impossible, it is so unlikely that I cannot conceive a situation where I would believe it would occur.”
@...WistfulD: Yes, but we’re talking quotes here.
According to my limited experience and narrow understanding, it’s very unlikely that you can carry a flylod through a revolving door.
Don’t think that saborlas! It is a muscle and with the right training and rigorous practice it is possible! Why a few days ago I thought it was impossible that a woman could or would bend over backwards to please a man, yet we have photo proof of it!
And yeah I know the word was inconceivable, but the line just seemed to fit. I do like josies’ quote better,though.
This is apparently a slide from Gmail founder Paul Buchheit’s lecture at something called “Startup School 2008. Here’s a video of it which I have not watched: omnisio.com/startupschool08/paul-buchheit-at-startup-school-08
@...SumoSnipe: You do realize that a penis is not actually made of muscle tissue right…? Good. Just checking. Thats not to say its impossible to make it twenty feet long and prehensile…
Plastic surgery, cybernetics and prosthetics can do wonders these days. Just be sure you’ve thought ahead about how your are going to address the resulting perambulation issues…
I stand corrected, though I still say it can be trained. No, I don’t want mine to be 20 foot long and prehensile, I was just attempting to cheer saborlas on. My penis gets me in quite enough trouble even as small as it is.