no condom

no condom

you ever have this happen?  I did.  several times, and I gotta say, I was scared shitless for a while afterwards, every single time.  Now, I make sure that I’m never in this situation, cause shit, I might be a VPILF one day, right?

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    I would


    Agreed. 2 for 2.




    i forgot the question marks… it should be :


    Nothing to do in Alaska but have sex. So it’s not completely her fault…wait…it is. Hypocrisy reigns supreme. Vote Hypocrisy!


    There’s plenty to do in Alaska… dog sledding, moose hunting (with automatic rifles), moose skinning, moose eating, fucking your sister, mining for gold, and dying of frostbite all come to mind.


    Quick. Anyone know what the legal age of consent is in Alaska?


    Did it with a stripper once. She Gave me the clap.
    Dirty bitch. But we fucked like monkeys for an hour, so its hard to say if i’m really upset about it….


    Moral of the story is: Life is short, Go hard, Fuck fast, then get some antibiotics.


    Good to see those sex-ed classes payed off for you! LOL this whole abstinance/sex-ed argument is loaded! When i was 17, I’d have hit dat with the Pope watching!


    You know those movies where the hot mom teaches the daughter how to please her boyfriend…


    She took him seriously when he was only poking in fun.


    sigh. Hrm…since we can’t say anything about Palin herself…lets attack her family!

    Oh well, I’ll be laughing at you all when McCain is sworn in as president.


    how’d that work out for you?


    What does Palin have to do with Unprotected monkey sex?

    Jesus Christ

    Greenie – What? This has everything to do with Palin. It shows how she still thinks abstinence-only actually works when her daughter is a dirty whore. (:

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Its not attacking her family, its an illustrative example of how Republican policies don’t work.
    Right now the US has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the developed. That’s why we need to elect McCain/Palin, so that we can have the highest knocked-up high-schooler in the entire world! We don’t want these girls to graduate high school or, god-forbid, college. They need to be barefoot and pregnant before they hit 20 to make Jesus happy.


    they don’t want us to have the highest in the entire world – they put conditions on aid funding that mean it can’t go to family planning, so the other countries can catch up with us.


    The best part about this whole “scandal” is that we get to see all these fine people, who apparently did everything their parents told them as a teen-ager, tell us how much of a hypocrite Palin is because her daughter doesn’t do everything she’s told… fuck it, an order of hypocrisy all around please!


    Her boyfriend is pussy whipped for dressing up in a suite and going out there with her…I would have been like fuck you bitch.



    that’s the point: when their plan on teenage pregnancies is “listen to your parents and teachers and don’t have sex”, it amounts to massive FAIL.


    I think I’m missing the joke. Who is she?



    so they’ll listen to use a condom?


    Palin is a batshit insane bitch. This is coming from a woman, as well. I think her ‘family’ shows just how successful she is. Kiss your reproductive rights away with Palin, it’s not McCain I’m worried about, it’s Palin. Have you seen her policies?

    She wants to basically screw with separation of Church and State. Creationism and intelligent design taught in PUBLIC schools. If you want your kids to be taught that bullshit, there are plenty of PRIVATE Christian schools that teach that garbage with ‘teachers’ who don’t even have the most basic of college degrees, but I refuse to pay taxes that go into funding for PUBLIC schools to teach that crap.

    Palin wants to make most contraceptives illegal, abortions, etc, etc, or arm wrestling things around so that most of that stuff might as well be as illegal. And while, you guys might not think this applies to you, well, if any of you have a girlfriend ( which I doubt ) that means if you get her knocked up, you’ll be a new proud father. Because, let’s face it, all contraceptives aren’t 100% perfect, none of them.

    Don’t even get me started on abstinence sex education. Moving to a county that only does abstinence only in my Sophomore year of highschool really opened my eyes on how much of a crock it really is. ( three pregnant chicks in a classroom of 25, I shit you not. ) It OBVIOUSLY worked for Palin’s kid, didn’t it?

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    statistically, yes. If you teach teenagers about birth control and support their choice to use it, they usually will. There’s no excuse for teens to get pregnant. Take your pick:
    the pill
    Morning-after pill


    I vote butt-sex


    Statistically, they would also be more likely to have sex at that point. And, since it is “ok”, what happens when they forget the birth control? You think they’ll say “Wait till we get a condom”? and as far as Butt-sex, I would have loved to gone to your high school, they didn’t really go for that at mine. Abstinence should be taught and encouraged just as much as any other form of birth control, don’t you think?


    Yikes… Anyone from Canada is like…. “Huh? Who’s that? What happened?” Obviously this is a picture of Palins… daughter? Who… obviously got pregnant as a teenager?

    Sorry, we’re a bit out of the loop caring about stuff that matters.


    How about we add masturbation to the list? Kids are going to do it right? It’s a valid form of birth control… why don’t we just show them how to beat off/double click the mouse? maybe we could get all kids a porn movie too? We could get them Deep Throat and pass it off as a film appreciation class assignment.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    “And, since it is “ok”, what happens when they forget the birth control? You think they’ll say “Wait till we get a condom”?”
    Yeah, that’s exactly what the 90% of us who didn’t knock someone up in high school did.

    “I would have loved to gone to your high school”
    Yeah, it was awesome.

    “How about we add masturbation to the list?”
    Good catch. Masturbation and mutual masturbation should be on the list. Porno is good, too.


    No matter how you look at it, the abstainence only policy is FAIL-FAIL. The only teens that abstain couldn’t get laid anyway. Abstainence should be taught as one of the forms of birth control, but not the only form.


    ok… as long as we are in agreement about porn



    sex education might make kids MORE likely to have sex, but by a lot LESS of an amount than the pregnancies it prevents.
    Also, you said “as much as”, regarding abstinence. These fundies want it to be “in exclusive place of”


    I think we are missing the real debate here. Who’s hotter? Palin’s daughter or Biden’s daughter?


    The hypocrisy isn’t limited to her daughter getting pregnant at 17. It also refers to the fact that Palin said publicly that she supported her daughter’s choice to keep the baby after having a family discussion. Considering mom’s position on abortion, I wonder what choices were in the mix.


    When in doubt go with the money shot!


    You know they did it behind a gun shop or was it a Wal-Mart? I know a moose was watching and God too.


    I’d do it…no doubts or regrets. Age of consent in Alaska is 16. Hooray!

    I’m also going to laugh at you silly sad-sacks when McCain/Palin get sworn in.


    Barrack has to win.

    Or America is racist. 😛


    who needs a condom? just put it in her butt.


    hahaha…some girls don’t like it when you do it in the back of a volkswagon…but then again, that’s half the fun!

    tiki god

    nice Mallrats reference!

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