Tower of Nintendo


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    Bottom to top:
    Sweet, super sweet, not so sweet, paper weight, most successful gimmick ever.


    i have them all!!! my favorite is right there, second from the bottom. 🙂

    Alec Dalek

    So much fail.

    T G Geko

    well, you too can join your friends by dying in a fire


    it still not bigger than the XBOX


    Bottom to top:
    Sweet, super sweet, could have been sweeter, much sweeter than most people give it credit for, potential to be the sweetest ever.

    Also, where’s virtual boy?!

    Alec Dalek

    But it has the exact same specs. Apart from the Wiimote, the Wii contains 7 year old technology.

    And the games are mostly written for people in Pre-School. The big boys play PS3 and 360.



    I wasn’t referring to the specs. I am versed well enough on the stats of the console systems. I was continuing with the runing joke about the massive physical size of the XBOX.

    Did you just join the interwebs, or have you not been paying attention?

    Alec Dalek

    Yes I just joined today, logged into this website, and made my first comment ever on a website. If you look back at all the posts on here for the last 2 years, you will not see my name once. Nope.



    why so serious?

    Always “correcting” people, picking fights, and starting arguments… lighten up a bit man.


    : This is the internet. It’s what we do here 🙂


    if you’re going to be Mr. Correcty Correcterson, you might as well say REPOST!

    Alec Dalek

    First you accuse me of being new to teh internats, and now you demonstrate that you are well familiar with my work. You are acting quite the fool…


    WTF man?

    It was a joke. I was being facetious.

    You’re an obnoxious flamer… and I’m done with this.

    Alec Dalek

    Nice try, but on teh internats you can’t just take your ball and go home. Don’t dish if you can’t take.


    Games systems are about fun, I don’t give a crap what is inside, only that I enjoy using them. Wii is great if you have real friends and family you like being around. PS3 & Xbox are also great, but more so if you are a pimpled face loser with no friends (sorry, your Halo online buddy from New Zealand doesn’t count as a friend, he only likes you because you shoot well and doesn’t really know how much of a loser you really are).


    Yes. It R teh tower of Win.


    The bottom two are fine and still playable, the rest can burn for all I care


    Pls do not haet on teh tower of Win. It lurves u, and is here for ur enjoyment. Kthnxbai.

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